Wednesday 28 November 2012

what causes asthma

Dry milk:use of dry milk cause asthma, depressive thoughts,cockroaches,
Cold:protect yourself from cold in winter season so keep your self warm specially chest and feet.
Pests:furs of animal pests aggrevates asthma symptoms..
  • Dust:keep mask with you when you are out to save from dust it irritates lungs.
  • Take coffee tea soups .dates. to keep yourself internally warm.
  • Donot limit your activites i.e schooling, job etc,
  • Massage your chest with wicks etc, it give you soothing effect and comfortable sleep if you do this at night.
  • Dry air can make you cough
  • Take healthy diet it helps to bear circumstances of disease.
  • Donot or limit use of pain killers as they increase severity.
  • Acidity(chest burning) is one of the major cause consult doctor for that.
  • Seasonal changes increase chances of severe attacks so take cautions in thoes days
  • Donot sit in air conditioned enviorments.
  • Don't eat sour stuffs or cold things.

Common symptoms:

Symptoms of a mild asthma attack:
  • cough, wheeze
  • some shortness of breath
  • still able to speak in full sentences between breaths
Symptoms of a moderate asthma attack:
  • continual cough, moderate to loud wheeze
  • obvious difficulty breathing
  • only able to speak in short phrases between breaths
Symptoms of a severe asthma attack:
  • severe difficulties breathing
  • speak no more than a few words at a time
  • wheeze is often quiet
  • sucking in of the throat and rib muscles
  • pale and sweaty
  • may have blue lips
  • very distressed and anxious
If you or someone else is having a severe attack, you should call an ambulance immediately.
As well as experiencing some of the above symptoms, young children may appear restless, unable to settle and may have problems eating or drinking. They may also have severe coughing or vomiting.

Cockroach aggrevates asthma:

Recent cockroach allergy research studies have found a strong association between the presence of cockroaches and increases in the severity of asthma symptoms in individuals who are sensitive to cockroach allergens.
These pests are common, even in the cleanest of crowded urban areas and older dwellings. They are found in all types of neighborhoods.
The proteins found in cockroach saliva are particularly allergenic, but the bodies and droppings of cockroaches also contain allergenic proteins.

Preventive Strategies for Cockroach Allergy

Methods of preventing cockroach allergy can include:
  • Keep food and garbage in closed, tight-lidded containers. Never leave food out in the kitchen. 
  • Do not leave out pet food or dirty food bowls. 
  • Eliminate water sources that attract these pests, such as leaky faucets and drain pipes. 
  • Mop the kitchen floor and wash countertops at least once a week. 
  • Plug up crevices around the house through which cockroaches can enter. 
  • Limit the spread of food around the house, and especially keep food out of bedrooms. 
  • Use bait stations and other environmentally safe pesticides to reduce cockroach infestation. 

Patient learnings about managing asthma:

Phsycian should educate the patient about appearance of initial symptoms of attacks of asthma .Generaly initiation of symptoms are characterised by cough, least mucous feeling,which progress to sound in chest(wheezing).Certain points should be told to the patient regarding mangment of asthma attacks

  • Double the dose of medicine 
  • Use oral steroids e.g prednisolone (dose of upto 40mg /day in 2 divided doses) 
  • Take almost double the puffs of the normal dose of inhalor. 
  • Inhale steam. 
  • Do massage of inhalants like wicks on chest.twice a day
  • Asthma & Sex

     Sexual activity is probably quite a common trigger for asthma, but is often not discussed or even reported to doctors. People are embarrassed to talk about problems in the bedroom, but it’s important to get your asthma under control so that you can do all your daily activities, including sex!
    Why is sex a trigger for asthma?

    As sex is usually a combination of physical exertion and an increased breathing rate, this can cause asthma symptoms in the same way as exercise-induced asthma. Another common asthma trigger is extremes of emotion, which can certainly cause temporary worsening of asthma symptoms.

    Although less common, some people may have asthma symptoms during sex due to exposure to dust mite allergens in their bedding. Some experts also believe that latex condoms may have an impact on people who are sensitive to latex.
    Does it mean I can’t have a normal sex life?

    Absolutely not! There’s no reason why asthma should limit your sex life. Just like any other trigger, it is usually only an issue when your asthma is not well-controlled.

    If you are taking the right medication, as prescribed, you should be able to carry out all your normal daily activities. If you are unwell, or are just recovering from an asthma attack however, you may need to be a bit more careful.
    So what do I do if my asthma gets worse during sex?

    Talk to your doctor. If you are unable to have a healthy sex life because of your asthma, then your medications need review. You may need a higher dose of preventer, or to try a symptom controller.

    Note: Don’t change your medication dose yourself. Talk to your doctor first before making any changes.

    Your doctor may recommend taking a puff of your reliever before sexual activity, or you might consider ways of reducing your activity level, perhaps with different positions. Sometimes it’s a matter of taking things a little more slowly.

    If you do have asthma symptoms during sexual activity, pause and take your reliever medication. Give it a few minutes to take effect, and then if you are feeling fine, go back to whatever you were doing. If the symptoms come on again, you should stop, take your reliever again, and make an appointment to see your doctor as soon as possible.

    Whatever the cause, it’s not something you should put up with. Sex is an important part of life and asthma shouldn’t limit any of your activities.
    Self Help
    • Try to stop smoking completely and avoid second-hand smoke
    • Avoid contact with anyone who has a cold or a chest infection and wash your hands often
    • If you think you have a chest infection, see your doctor
    • Get an influenza vaccine every autumn
    • Try to do some gentle exercise every day. Ask your doctor for advice
    • Dry air can make you cough; make the air more moist with a humidifier or by placing a bowl of water on a window ledge
    • Breathing through your mouth can make you dehydrated, so try to drink plenty of fluids such as water and fruit juices
    • Try to eat little and often, for example, five small meals rather than three large ones. A full stomach after a large meal will make it more difficult for you to breathe

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