Saturday 19 May 2012


we are encourged to benefit the people through our knowledge  regarding human body chemistry and functioning.therefore we established a society called "HEALTH CARE & BLOOD TESTING SOCIETY"....
To serve the humanity and comunity by alarming the people regarding disease progress,its hazards,its ultimate results for the purpose of safety and surviver of good health.we take the specimen of blood for testing blood.Blood testing procedure is performed to detect and daignose  the presence of bacteria or viral infections in blood.So,we, for the poeple comfort and convenience made our society a mobile network of blood testing system .A very noble motive of our society is to provied the blood test facility at their areas and institutes like an angle at the door .particularly we visit educational institutes where children and youth community has its maximum strenth ,with the aim of  building children and youth commuty of society with the bricks of testified health ,determining their  health conditions by testing their blood with modified modern tecniques .

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